Aotearoa New Zealand is one of a few fortunate countries in the world where the majority of our electricity is generated from renewable sources; around 82% at the last count. As the demand for electricity increases Integrated Energy believes it’s important renewable energy continues to be a priority.
The Government has committed to becoming a carbon neutral country by 2050 and businesses are a part of the huge step towards achieving this. By bringing their sustainability goals into focus and partnering with companies like us, uniquely situated in the market to guide and support these goals, we should all be confident of a better future.
Being based in the Hawke’s Bay, Integrated Energy are investing in the power of sunshine to ensure future customer networks and buildings are sustainable. Solar generation is only a small contributor to New Zealand’s current energy supply, making up less than 1% of the total renewable energy. But this is changing!
Does your business have sustainability goals but is unsure how to achieve these? Do you need a tailored solution to meet your property or business requirements? Are you interested in learning more about partnering with Integrated Energy to create a more sustainable future?
Get in touch today.
Get in touch today.